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Friday, April 30, 2010
Barenthein struck out four, the second game, the fourth game
The ball flying out of the course, build a wall, there are more than 100 feet high, more than 400 feet away. Barenthein struck out four, the second game, the fourth game, the seventh, the 10th Bureau. mlb jersey "That night, playing very hard, but I did not give up," he said, "I concentrate on, to seize the opportunity, I did." He smiles. After the game we celebrate his sixth homer of the season, this unexpected victory brings the sailor home run. Eighth Jushang Ban, sailors got the equalizer one minute, but was again overtake the next eight innings of two points. But in the ninth end Angels pitcher Francisco. Luolikuizi sailor and then scored when third overtake Angels. Luolikuizi the season for his first success in 47 relief efforts, the plan has got the failed rescue of the fifth season, ended his crew of 20 consecutive save. Jeremy Reed hit ‧ tied the score in the right field base hit, one hit the next Laf hereby outfield to first base hit scored a points lead, the end. Like this, sailors did very little this season, several teams do it - to conquer the angel in the ninth. But they really should win after a few Board. In the bottom of the ninth JJ Pouzzner sailor Terminator sent Mark Takesila a tying home run record. 7 wins this season relief Pouzzner 7 negative, 42 times last year, but the successful rescue rescue 40 it. Sailor's insistence for him to erase the record of failure recorded on paper relief. "If we lose, I would like to take hat off to his teammates; if we win, I would like to take hat off to his teammates," Rui Geman said, "They worked very hard, never give up. Our position sounds ridiculous, But good game like this this year, we had many times. I am proud for them. "