Xiouxiya on Recchi's performance is puzzling, especially in his home race in Angel, 7 wins and 1 negative, 2.41 ERA rates. "This is excellent data," Xiouxiya said, "John is a good pitcher, the whole career like this. I know his record is especially good sportsmanship, but overall he is a good pitcher." mlb jersey
Tuesday, he finished two out from the shutout, the standing area is hitting Jack ‧ Custer, 0 bad ball number 2, well, he threw a fastball, hit in home run into spring. "It was a four-seam ball," Recchi said, "This ball I voted this one night only. He was right." Recchi said. Although not a shutout, but Recchi for the complete cast of this result was very pleased. This is his first 3 games of the season complete game cast, 13th career.