24, Taipei time Cleveland Indians beat the Oakland Athletics 6-2; Los Angeles Angels to 7:4 Lectra Seattle Mariners, won the American League, respectively, the Western champions, determine playoff appearance.
Indians starting pitcher Weiss Brook (Jake Westbrook) 9 strikeouts in 7 Board of times (a career-most strikeouts), plus Se Simo (Grady Sizemore) 4 bats 4 hits, 2 RBI's contribution leadership, defeated athlete, 6 years, won the AL Central title for the first time.
4 Bureau, the Indians fire outbreak and win three first base hits, doubles and triples each one, poured them into a total of 4 minutes, Se Simo hit the third base hits, so the Indians made 6-0 lead.
When relief pitcher Chambertin test (Rafael Betancourt) 9 inning strikeout the last batter Ellis Athletics (Mark Ellis), won his second season rescue, the Indians home 40,250 spectators revel, Tony Tanzanian exam jumped into catcher Martinez (Martinez) arms, the same team into the wild celebration of the venue.